The Best Way to Protect from Salt Spray 

Living and working in a coastal community has many benefits. For starters, the views are great, sparkling beaches, and unforgettable sunsets.  Many say the sound of the waves brings them a sense of tranquility and calm. And some believe that being on the coast has natural health benefits, thanks to the fresh sea air.

But coastal areas can have their challenges. Take saltwater spray corrosion. The HVAC units of these regions take a beating because of it. In fact, according to The National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE), the leading corrosion control organization, corrosion is one of the largest single costs in the US economy.

oil rig salt spray

Let’s go over some of the challenging scenarios HVAC units contend with in coastal areas:

  • Sea spray contains high salt levels, which does a number to metal surfaces. Saltwater can quickly leads to corrosion, compared to inland environments. This lessens the lifespan of HVAC units while increasing the costs of maintenance.
  • Humidity and moisture, common in coastal regions, can mean moisture condensation on HVAC units. Combine that with saltwater spray, and you have a situation that promotes corrosion.
  • Sunlight is a beautiful thing… Unless you’re an HVAC unit. UV radiation leads to increased exposure, which destroys protective coatings, making those HVAC units vulnerable to corrosion.
  • The powerful winds of the area carry sand and debris, causing physical damage to HVAC units’ external components, which leads to points of corrosion.
  • Accessible locations for HVAC units in coastal areas can be difficult.  This plays a big part in making regular maintenance and inspections more complicated and, in turn, costing more money by letting corrosion dig in before it can be discovered.

But the good news is we are here to help with various coatings to combat saltwater spray corrosion. In fact, NACE estimates that companies could save 15 – 35% of their corrosion costs by implementing corrosion control measures.

Check out our best coating for fighting the battle against saltwater spray:

  • Water-based Air-Dry Coating

Air-dry coatings are protective coatings that cure and dry at room temperature without adding heat.

HereShiled, Heresite’s water-based air-dry coating is excellent for corrosion resistance, UV resistance, and combatting weathering. It offers untouchable durability and salt fog performance. It also boasts plenty of adhesion and flexibility.

This single-component coating is typically applied on the internal and external surfaces of HVAC-R heat exchangers and related equipment. HereShield is specially formulated for marine and saltwater environments. It is splash resistant to a range of acids and inorganic salts.

Do you have corrosion by saltwater spray questions? You’re in luck – we have the answers! Call us at 920-684-6646, or send us an inquiry. We’d love to help.