Heresite Releases Whitepaper “Choosing an HVAC-R Coating for Marine Environments”

Heresite, a leader in the development of thin film corrosion resistant coatings, has released a new whitepaper, Choosing an HVAC-R Coating for Marine Environments. The whitepaper was developed to answer common questions around evaluating the options for HVAC-R coil coatings in offshore and coastal marine as well as other corrosive environments.

“As testing methods have evolved over the years, we have seen many engineers becoming interested in understanding the evaluation methods and test results of our newer coatings,” states Peter Hellman, General Manager for Heresite Protective Coatings. “This whitepaper was written to help engineers understand corrosivity categories, testing methods, and application options so they are able to make the best possible choices for the equipment to be specified in any project.”

The whitepaper is available as a free download. It includes information useful for engineers working on plans for equipment in both marine and non-marine environments.